Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Effective Uses of technology
Effective Uses of Technology
Sunday, May 17, 2009
day to day
I'm assisting with producing and archiving educational resources-
Training and technical support and collation of tutorial resources for Otago Polytechnic staff for DIY audio and video production.
I explore techniques, skills, knowledge and competence in areas that may differ from their specific discipline i.e. Copyright and intellectual property and Open educational Resources to support staff to develop basic sound recording skills and an understanding of production of sound.
Educational Media production of the documentation of staff development presenters this year uploaded to
I subscribe to an otago university community of practice meets occasionally to consult about copyright issues.
My digital media production skills are being shared by the university of Otago. I'm training one of the researchers working on a pilot project with HEDC, and editing some short films.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Copy of DIY Audio (using Audacity)
DIY audio using audacity: a series of 2 hour workshop session held during Staff Development conference at Otago Polytechnic:
a. (introductory) Produce your own audio recordings:
c. Choose a scenario from the following list and utilise these free tutorial resources:
Scenario 1 Sourcing audio
- online archives, downloading and streaming podcasts (eg youtube, bliptv, internet archive) importing MP3 files
Scenario 2 Editing and recording audio
- simple recording and editing techniques (volume, cutting and syncing) of course materials to
- publish on a Learning Managment system Web Publishing 5 ways to publish powerpoints
Scenario 3 recording, interviews lectures
- simple editing techniques (volume, cutting and syncing)
- consider appropriate options for web publishing media to public slide sharing server (slideshare)
- copyright, intellectual property, referencing, creative commons
General facts about Digital Audio formats, bit rate, sampling size,
HOw to get audacity a opensource (free) software available from from soundforge
download audacity (and lame) for MP3
Recording and mixing with Audacity
Audacity Effects
Mixing with Audacity
Story design and splitting tracks
exporting mp3 file
QUality Audio
Avoiding bad audio
Recording devices
personal computers,
headset or microphone (desk top, lapel microphone
digital recorder
recording software
audacity 1.26 & 1.3 (opensource)
microsoft powerpoint 2003
microsoft powerpoint 2007 (Ispring (flash plugin)
camtasia studio
open Impress 2.4
Web Publishing and Archiving
Internet archive (creative commons)
Online Learning Managment systems
Blackboard (proprietry)
Moodle (open source)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
How to make a short video
- design a storyboard
- or arrange a collection digital images, slides and video and use wave and mp3 files, into a folder
- or record voice over multi tracking in audacity or a free online music editor
- import these to windows movie maker and begin to synchronise these images to the soundtrack across a timeline
- export as a wmv or mpg video file
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Taking stock publishing education media on-line.
I've been thinking that my own confusion could be good for something, and I have come up with an exercise that my knowledge of these tools may be able to stretch if i use a combination of the following tools in media production
1) Slide presentation archive:
The process of creating and editing image and text in Powerpoint presentations using the following formats .
Image files
2) the process of recording audio for linking with images into audio visual presentations for publiciation and for reuse
Audio files
WAV analogue
MP3 digital compression
Video files
the digital editing tools for audiovisual Projects
Windows Movie Maker
Camtasia Studio
the process can include additional steps and software programmes .
My first priority is to review and recommend the appropriate tools the medium simply according to who the audience are , the range of materials to present and how the project will be published and the audience . . . ?
Scenario 1
make a short audiovisual presentation for students about health and safety at the computer workstation.
Scenario 2
create digital media for a promotional display for prospective students
Scenario 3
Constructing course materials to publish on a Learning Managment system
Scenario 4
Documenting staff seminars (powerpoint presentations) for streaming online: