Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Copy of DIY Audio (using Audacity)

DIY audio using audacity: a series of 2 hour workshop session held during Staff Development conference at Otago Polytechnic:

a. (introductory) Produce your own audio recordings:
Recording in Audacity, editing, exporting using wave-mp3 conversion and audio formats, file compression.

b. Consider effectiveness of audio resources:
(scenarios and technical tips for quality and (size of files & length) when making quality audio resources for teaching/learning) Sound tips for audio and video

Choose a scenario from the following list and utilise these free tutorial resources:

Scenario 1
Sourcing audio

  • online archives, downloading and streaming podcasts (eg youtube, bliptv, internet archive) importing MP3 files

Scenario 2 Editing and recording audio

  • simple recording and editing techniques (volume, cutting and syncing) of course materials to

Scenario 3
recording, interviews lectures

  • simple editing techniques (volume, cutting and syncing)
  • consider appropriate options for web publishing media to public slide sharing server (slideshare)
  • copyright, intellectual property, referencing, creative commons

Additional Tutorial Resources

General facts about Digital Audio formats, bit rate, sampling size, http://aquaculturepda.wikispaces.com/ipods3

HOw to get audacity a opensource (free) software available from from soundforge

download audacity (and lame) for MP3

Recording and mixing with Audacity

Audacity Effects

Mixing with Audacity

Story design and splitting tracks

exporting mp3 file

QUality Audio

Avoiding bad audio

Recording devices


personal computers,
headset or microphone (desk top, lapel microphone
digital recorder

recording software

audacity 1.26 & 1.3 (opensource)

microsoft powerpoint 2003
microsoft powerpoint 2007 (Ispring (flash plugin)
camtasia studio
open office.org Impress 2.4

Web Publishing and Archiving
Internet archive (creative commons)

Online Learning Managment systems

Blackboard (proprietry)
Moodle (open source)

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