Wednesday, June 18, 2008

reflective framework

DIL action research seems to me to be an application of the reflection and action cycles which are represented by 4 steps in order to sufficiently reflect in this way of one cycle leading to arriving at another solution (or problem) which is treated as a revised plan (1st step of the new cycle) ellicting an alternative action spiral.
What are the researchers questions? And is it just me who is wondering whether I could be doubling the work I have to do to by following a reflective framework the process of which that I then have to publish as well reviewing my plans. What if my process if fraught and more complicated than I anticipated so there just isn't time to do justice to both.
At the outset I already had more things on my list than I could attend, so I will have to devise a plan Contingenices.

It strikes me that most of what happens could fit this cyclic model of task specific problem solving. The story of the three pigs is one that comes to mind. The broken door handle that I could following a 4 step action and reflection I then knew at least one way to fix is another. There is so much to revise though, and only so many hours in the daytime.

Something I am interested in is to narrow the possibilities somewhat. I can recall the conversation I had yesterday that touched on the transformation that has taken place across teaching. At the same time as trends are towards experiential hands-on e.g. apprentice learning models there is at the same time students are given a rationale alongside a fact or figure. The what, how to and why.

If we are teaching with and assessing multimedia assignments, then simply provididing content and setting the assignments will not be enough.
My general problem remains with the use of digital audio image and text, as is where is but I now reflect on how effective teaching still means to present the material assess the students interaction with content and related materials, without prioritising (and measuring) digital information literacy and mastery over assimilation of the content and the experiential knowledge. Its a balancing act.

Process versus production! as proportionality which I'm now realising could be one of my evaluative measures.
action: publishing my two practictioner blogs are the mode of assessment for both
DIL and DFLP. I wish to use evaluate by monitoring how to apportion these two logs re process and publication.
I'd like to devise a way to adapt the reflective tool specifically for reflecting on the layer of so that my revised plan which is to priortise one goal ( to promote digital literacy autonomy). The goal is deliberately nonspecific to audio production and publication which was one of a number original goals.

An example use of a reflective tool -when I fail to understand why something I wanted to do didn't work, I could articulate the steps and at the point I fail off it could be instructive to right there and then embark in a reflective circuit until I can ellicit some fact or principle that once applied would solve the mystery.

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